I created this plugin based on material from the Jetpack, Audio Player, and ImageEXIF plugins. I also used the Zend Media Framework.

I wrote it to scratch a personal itch: I handle a lot of media on a couple of sites I manage; we routinely publish audio and image files. Copying metadata from the files to WordPress is a nuisance, and this plugin is designed to remove that nuisance.

The plugin’s purpose is to integrate the fancy metadata that lives in modern media files with WordPress’s attachment metadata, so as to automatically populate the title and caption fields.

There’s a broad variety of metadata in media files. The Adobe tool chain (including Acrobat, Photoshop, Lightroom, and Bridge) insert xmp data: that’s the Adobe universal media format.  Image, audio, and PDF files processed by Adobe end up with xmp descriptive metadata in them.

MP3 audio files also contain ID3 metadata. JPEG files contain EXIF metadata. And some files also contain IPTC Data.

The MMWW plugin attempts to make sense of this data.

Version 0.9.0 is an early release. If you use it I hope you’ll send me any media files that aren’t interpreted properly: it’s impossible for an independent developer to have very many makes and models of camera, recorder, and media software.  
